One-Page Score Project - Dec. 2020

One-Page Score Project + Polydimensional Scores w/ ECUAD students – Dec. 8 + 15, 2020

Music by:

Polydimensional Scores, Dec. 8: Sara Gold, The Memory Palace, Jaewoo Lee, Giorgio Magnanensi, Brady Ciel Marks, Anju Singh, Emma Tomic

One-Page Scores, Dec. 15: Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi, Julian La Brooy (Hitori Tori), Sasha Langford, Heather Jean McDermid, Daniela O’Fee, Andrea Young


This past November, musicians and composers from Vancouver, Kamloops and Montreal collaborated with students from Emily Carr University to create a series of fourteen One-Page Score and Polydimensional Score pieces. 

Guided by Vancouver New Music Artistic Director Giorgio Magnanensi, students from a section of Keith Langergraber’s online FNDT165: Core Interdisciplinary Studio course, and Julie Andreyev’s online MDIA300: Media, Sound, Ecology course learned about and experimented with graphic notation, sound, composition, gesture and figure. 

In graphic notation, signs and symbols can be used to represent sounds, textures and various kinds of sonic events. Using graphic notation, composers don’t need any prior knowledge of how to write or read traditional musical notation – just a desire to create and explore sound.

Langergraber’s Foundation-level students worked in groups to create six One-Page Scores – visual images that played with colour, shape and composition.

The Polydimensional Scores created by Andreyev’s upper-level class took the graphic notation of the One-Page Scores in a different direction, approaching it in relation to ecological approaches to art making. The students inncorporated temporally-based, and spatially situated composition techniques, like soundwalking and environmental listening, field recording, sculpture, video recording, material collection and performance. 

“The intention of this project was to create performance scores inspired by walking in local ecologies, noticing nonhuman agency, and recording the experiences using 2D, 3D, and 4D approaches.” – Julie Andreyev

Students for both the Polydimensional Score and One-Page Score Projects were then paired with a professional musician, who created a sonic interpretation of the score, with each sound artist contributing their unique instrumentation and musical style.

Polydimensional Scores

Alisa Tarabrina, Macy Burgess, Sam Street (score); The Memory Palace (music) 
Harry Leshgold (score); Sara Gold (music + video) 
Jenn Li (score); Jaewoo Lee (music) 
Jermaine Oxley (score); Emma Tomic (music) 
Jessie Luo, Yumeng Cai, Emma Shang (video score); Anju Singh (music) 
Julie Andreyev (score); Giorgio Magnanensi (music + video) 
Kaïa Barth-Lessarg (score); Brady Ciel Marks (music + video) 
Linda Serrano and Cara Jacobsen (score); Sara Gold (music) 

One-Page Score Project

Vanessa Bolinger, Brennen King & Gulperi Sozal (score); Sasha J. Langford (music)
Bryan He, Emily Harrenstein, Matthew Jones & Tomi Woodard (score); Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi (music)
Clarisse Raymundo, Hui Xu, Kayla Cunanan (score); Julian La Brooy (Hitori Tori) (music)
Jaida Hamilton, Peiyang Li, Lily Blazich (score); Daniela O’Fee (music)
Alex Hinada, Emmett Fisher, Brittany Ma, Naomi Watkins (score); Heather Jean McDermid (music)
Makena Imthorn, Sofia Gottfried, Jesse Wang (score); Andrea Young (music)

Header image credits, clockwise from top left: Vanessa Bolinger, Brennen King & Gulperi Sozal; Bryan He, Emily Harrenstein, Matthew Jones & Tomi Woodard; Clarisse Raymundo Hui Xu Kayla Cunanan; Makena Imthorn, Sofia Gottfried, Jesse Wang; Alex Hinada, Emmett Fisher, Brittany Ma, Naomi Watkins; Jaida Hamilton, Peiyang Li, Lily Blazich.