Blake Hargreaves


Since 2016, Blake Hargreaves has been recording improvisations on the world’s pipe organs and composing original works for them. The project seeks to find new sonic and conceptual/spiritual approaches to the instrument and is depicted in an upcoming film. His album Improvisations on the Pipe Organs of Europe, released on Ultra Eczema in 2019, was reviewed in Boomkat as “Among the most enchanting recordings of organ music we’ve heard (…) timeless and haunting”.

In 2020–2022 Hargreaves hosted the FutureStops Podcast, exploring the organ in the 21st century. He was the curator of the FutureStops Festival at Roy Thomson Hall and other venues in 2022. He directs the Fluorescent Friends label in Montreal, and has been the Co-Producer of the annual Cool Fest concert series since its inception in 2007. His other projects include releases on labels like Ecstatic Peace!, Olde English Spelling Bee, American Tapes, and InYrDisk, and he has been featured in publications like The Vice Photo Book and The Routledge Research Companion to Electronic Music.