Dory Hayley


Soprano Dory Hayley is recognized as a leading voice in Canada’s contemporary and experimental music scene. Praised for her “very personal creative power” (Badener Zeitung) and her “amazing coloratura skills” (Opera Canada), she has been a soloist with the Vancouver Symphony, the Vancouver Island Symphony, the Allegra Chamber Orchestra, the Turning Point Ensemble, and Capriccio Basel, appeared in concert across four continents, and commissioned and premiered an expanding catalogue of new works.

An avid and adventurous collaborator, she has performed in festivals such as Sonic Boom, the Modulus Festival, the Happening Festival, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, Gulangyu Autumn Festival (China), Performer’s Voice Symposium (Singapore), and Festival Atempo (Venezuela). She is a member of the Erato Ensemble, the Broadwood Duo, and the Hayley-Laufer Duo, and is the Artistic Co-Director of the Blueridge Chamber Music Festival.