Erin Gee


Erin Gee is a Canadian artist with a hybrid practice that spans new media, art-science,  performance art and music composition. Driven by her desire to enact speculative systems of feminist thought through expanded musical contexts, she creates new technologies, instruments and scores that address the material limits of embodiment, unconscious drives and affect-driven experience. Drawing upon the textural intimacy and detail of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), Gee creates sensually layered music in that merges electroacoustic music with engaging vocals that directly address the listener.

As a maker, Gee is a DIY expert in affective biofeedback, developing her own sensor systems to implicate the body of the listener in her imagined cyborg systems of togetherness. Her work in vocal composition, networked performance, ASMR, VR, AI and robotics has been presented internationally at venues such as Akousma (CA, 2021), Networked Music Festival (2020), LEV Festival (ES, 2020), MUTEK (CA/ES/AR, 2020-2021), Elektra Festival (CA, 2019), Toronto Biennale (CA, 2019), and Ars Electronica (AT, 2018).

As an academic, Gee was awarded a limited-term Assistant Professor contract at Concordia University (2015-2017) to teach in the areas of Sound Production and Gender and Technology studies. She is currently a doctoral student of music composition at Université de Montreal. Her research on feminist methods for biofeedback music is generously supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council, and is co-supervised by Nicolas Bernier and Jonathan Sterne. Gee’s musical collaborators have included Andrea Young, Simon Coovi-Sirois, Liz Lima, Jen Kutler, Jeff Morton, Phth choir, and the Hamilton Children’s Choir. She is currently the artist in residence at Institut Quantique (University of Sherbrooke, Quebec) for 2021-2022, co-hosted through Sporobole artist-run centre.