Freya Zinovieff


Freya Zinovieff is an interdisciplinary scholar, sound artist and curator of British and Russian descent, currently completing her PhD at The School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University. Her thesis, Situated Praxis: Activist Listening in Violent Times, examines the political potential of sound, alongside decolonial and ethical listening as critique to hegemonic systems of power. Freya’s MFA, awarded by The University of New South Wales, questioned different conceptions of infinity through the medium of graphic notation, and she holds a First-Class Honours degree from Cambridge School of Art at Anglia Ruskin University.

Freya’s curatorial practice seeks to challenge both colonial hierarchies and aesthetic sensibilities, and foregrounds collaboration as an act of resistance. She is interested in work that that engages decolonial and anti-imperial thinking in radical ways, and especially through the amplification of voices that seek disruption for the purposes of justice and community building. Freya’s curatorial projects range from conceptual art trails in Cambridge (UK) that utilize non-gallery spaces, challenging colonial value judgements around what is considered art, or beautiful, and where ‘beautiful art’ should be shown; to an online sound art gallery that commissioned new works from five BC-based sound artists of marginalized gender, to explore the potential of accessible sound art.

More information on these projects and Freya’s work in general can be found in the links below: