gamut inc


An interdisciplinary ensemble featuring computer musician, graphic artist and composer Marion Wörle and composer and guitarist Maciej Sledzieck, gamut inc is dedicated to electro-acoustic music, innovative music theatre and automated pipe organs. Founded in Berlin in 2013, the ensemble sets thematic priorities with its own productions, stages music theatre and organizes concerts and festivals. Since 2019, they have been directing the worldwide touring concert series and festival AGGREGATE, which is dedicated to computer-controlled pipe organs in churches and concert halls. The annual festival makes guest appearances at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, the Auenkirche and the Chapel of Reconciliation Berlin. In 2022, the two held scholarships at Villa Kamogawa Kyoto and explored the organ scene in Japan. A double CD with a selection of works from their festival AGGREGATE will be released on WERGO in 2023. In September 2023, their music theatre ZEROTH LAW, a collaboration with the prestigious RIAS Chamber Choir and the LOGOS robot orchestera will premiere at Deutsche Oper Berlin. Intensive, scenic-musical performances negotiate mechanisation in a social context. Their new album SUM TO INFINITY with new works for gamut inc’s music machines and synthesizers was released on MORPHINE Records in 2023.