Jacob Audrey Taves


Communicating in a language of errors, hum, crackle, feedback, found sounds and images, audio and visual artist Jacob Audrey Taves is best known for their ongoing plunderphonic industrial project HOLZKOPF. They are also a member of ORGANS WITHOUT BODIES (with percussionist John Brennan) as well as ASSAULT CHARGE (a punk/digital hardcore band with songwriter and author Eamon McGrath). Taves was the guitar player for the short lived no-wave three piece OTHER JESUS. They are curator of the audio/video collage series INTERIOR NETWORK and host of OFF-WORLD, Mondays at 8pm local time, on CJSR 88.5FM in Edmonton, Canada.

Using a combination of analogue and digital no-input mixing, chance and juggled and cut-up corrupted audio artifacts, Jacob Audrey Taves performs work that channels the cassette DJ techniques they became known for in previous projects while taking full advantage of the extreme possibilities of digital processing.