Stefano Maiorana


Stefano Maiorana was born in Rome where he lives. After studying classical guitar and lute at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory, he took advanced courses in theorbo and baroque guitar with Paul O’Dette. He graduated in Architecture, cultivating a strong interest in the interactions between music and the other arts. His research ranges from early to contemporary music and is sustained by rigorous attention to historical performance practice.

He has held concerts as soloist and continuo player in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Swiss, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Mongolia and in 2017 he was invited as soloist by the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra to perform in the “Spanish Baroque” tour in Australia. He also played premieres by composers Ambrosini, Serrano, Elgh as soloist, in ensemble and in duo with the guitarist Magnus Andersson.

Stefano is Professor of Lute and early plucked instruments at the Briccialdi Conservatory in Italy, where he is the head of the Early Music Department.