Intertidal room – artist chat with Jacek Smolicki

Intertidal room – artist chat with Jacek Smolicki

Monday, September 28, 2020
Moderated by Giorgio Magnanensi

During the pandemic, our sense of hearing seems to have gotten sharper. Urban noises and the disruptive din of everyday life rhythms have given room to more subtle and less easily perceptible soundscapes. In this unstable period an unexpected possibility emerged to rethink how we have been connecting with, affecting, and often exploiting our lived environments on multiple levels. Can attentive listening challenge our ways of inhabiting the world? Can a short moment of aural attention to transient organisms whose lives remain usually imperceptible to us, reconfigure our daily conducts on a personal, collective, or even planetary scale?

Intertidal zones are coastal areas where sea meets the land in a ceaseless interaction of low and high tides. They are characterized by highly diverse ecosystems with multiple inhabitants capable to quickly adapt to these ever-changing conditions.

I have spent the last several months traversing such intertidal zones in and around Vancouver. I have observed and listened to its inhabitants wondering how their diligent compliance to cyclical rhythms of nature can derail our human obsession with the constant growth and progression. My attempts to connect with those intertidal critters and learn from them through attentive listening and creative field recording has quickly become accompanied by other qualitative techniques and historical research, including learning from indigenous perspectives on transformations that affected those zones, their inhabitants and their resilient stewards.

The resulting work is an audio piece intended to be listened to while walking at low tide, solitarily or collectively. It interweaves elements of creative storytelling, historical research creative field recording, and soundscape composition.

 – Jacek Smolicki

Jacek Smolicki is a Kraków-born, Stockholm-based interdisciplinary artist, designer, researcher, and soundwalker interested in attending to (as in paying attention) and recording (as in calling to mind and heart) the diversity of human and other-than-human realms and existences.

In his design and art practice, besides working with existing documents, archives, and heritage, Smolicki develops new modes of sensing, field-recording, para-archiving, and mediating stories and signals from various sites, scales, and temporalities. His work is manifested through soundscape compositions, soundwalks, site-responsive performances, experimental para-archives, audio-visual installations, and diverse forms of writing. He has exhibited, presented his works, performed, soundwalked, and gave workshops internationally (e.g. Kraków, Madrid, Moscow, Helsinki, Stockholm, San Francisco, Budapest, Vienna, Sarajevo, Oxford). Smolicki is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Linköping University and associated scholar at Uppsala University in Sweden.
