One-Page Score Project – Luciana Santos (score), Parmela Attariwala (music)

Score by Luciana Santos

One-Page Score Project – Luciana Santos (score), Parmela Attariwala (music)

Earth Dreams

Premiered 12 March 2021 as part of Painting Music – One-Page Score Project presented by Vancouver New Music and Laboratorio.

Notes from Parmela Attariwala
I took a few cues from the artist’s thoughts behind her work in choosing how to interpret the work, in particular the colours: red, representing the hot earth, and white, silence. She also mentioned that she loved the viola.

A google search led me to an esoteric website that suggested a parallel between the colour red and a frequency close to that of G4.

Interpreting the artwork in landscape mode, I chose to represent the horizontal black line as G4, and create a “red” soundscape based on a G9 chord. I limited the frequency range to notes playable on the viola, dropping my C string to a B, and then added a layer of notes using different modes of creating sonic texture – sul ponticello, normale, sul tasto, con vibrato, senza vibrato, and harmonics.

The yellow line became three improvisatory flights of fancy – played by two violas and (the only instance of) a violin.
– Parmela Attariwala
