Silvia Mandolini, MAGIK, and more…

Silvia Mandolini, MAGIK, and more…

Silvia Mandolini, MAGIK, and more…

As we were not able to gather on March 28th to hear Silvia Mandolini and MAGIK live, we’ve put together a playlist featuring both artists, as well as a couple of pieces featuring composer Serena Teatini and cellist/composer Stefan Hintersteininger – both of whom were set to have premieres as part of this concert.

Please enjoy this beautiful music. We wish you all health, safety and good vibes through these unprecedented times.

Silvia Mandolini, violin
MAGIK – Marina Hasselberg, cello; Kenton Loewen, drums; Giorgio Magnanensi, electronics

Thanks to Giorgio Maganensi and Silvia Mandolini for providing many of the tracks in this mix.

