Western Front

Accessibility Notes

For first-time visitors to Western Front, it is useful to understand accessibility in our heritage building:

  • You can access a visual story for Western Front here.
  • Our second floor is currently not accessible to wheelchair users. The second floor houses the Grand Luxe Hall, archives, library, guest accommodation, and AV studios. Events in the Grand Luxe Hall are made available for free online via high-quality livestream.
  • The ground floor is wheelchair accessible. The ground floor houses the box office, gallery, EDAM dance studio, and staff offices. Two all gender washrooms are located on this floor, with one being 3.72m² and fitted with a handrail.
  • Our didactic material is available in English, and our events are typically spoken in English unless otherwise noted.
  • Assistance animals are always welcome.
  • As we are in a shared building, we cannot guarantee a scent-free space. However, we aim to provide a scent-reduced space.
  • Unfortunately, we do not have reserved accessible parking in front of our building. Car and taxi drop-offs are possible.
  • Visitors with an Access 2 card or CNIB card are entitled to free admission for a support person to ticketed events. Please contact us to reserve a ticket for your support person at the time of your booking.
  • We can offer American Sign Language interpretation. Please reach out to us two weeks in advance in order for us to secure an interpreter.
  • This website has been developed to conform to the W3C accessibility guidelines for level AA compliance. We have endeavoured to conform to all the presented guidelines in level AA, wherever possible. It is possible to increase (or decrease) the size of all the text on the pages of most websites. You can do this by using the font size controls integrated in your web browser.

If you require a reservation for an access requirement, or you have an access requirement that we have not listed, please get in touch in advance of your visit at info@westernfront.ca or +1 (604) 876 9343. We will make our best endeavours to help you.

If you are interested in supporting Western Front in improving our accessibility, either by sharing your knowledge and experience, or by making a financial contribution, please contact Executive Director Susan Gibb.

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Western Front
's website