Giulio Tosti


Giulio Tosti studied organ at the Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella in Naples under Roberto Canali. In 2017 he obtained his Diplome, with the 10/10 summa cum laude and congratulations from the jury. He studied under Theo Flury at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome and by Sophie Rétaux at the ESMD (École Supérieure Musique et Danse Nord de France). In 2017 he served as professeur d’orgue in the School of Music of Comines (Lille, France) and between 2018-2021 worked at the Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Patrimony. He has won numerous prizes and has given recitals at numerous festivals.

Alongside the organ repertoire, Giulio actively reevaluates and rethinks his instrument, with individual and collective projects. In 2019 he created Nebula, a solo project of extemporary composition that explores unconventional soundscapes of pipe organ, using extended techniques, aiming to create a true acoustic sound machine out of the organ. Nebula was also included in BBC Radio 3’s New Music Shows. In 2023 he created Rupestre, a project conceived for movable hand-organs, with the aim to recreate ancestral and futuristic soundscapes.

In addition to the concert activity with this project, Giulio also leads Masterclasses and theoretical/practical workshops related to this new conception of the organ, addressed to organists, composers, electronic and jazz musicians.

He composes music for organ solo, organ and other instruments, music for image and for theatre.