Our 2019-20 season has come to a close on a note we would never have expected! But amidst the disappointment of not being able to gather together in person, and of having to reschedule and re-imagine concerts that were a long time in the making, we sincerely thank all of the artists, participants and listeners who joined us for our spring ‘Soundwalks‘ and One-Page Score project activities in May and June.
As we look forward to the fall, we’ll continue to adapt to current events by embracing creativity, innovation, curiosity and a multiplicity of voices and ideas. We remain committed to curating practices, not only works, and embracing the rhizomatic expansion of current modes of sound and music creation.
In nurturing a sense of place and a sense of being, these streams of collaborative activities can become tools and spaces to inspire, motivate, engage and sustain current sound, music and other artistic practices as vital parts of cultural life in our community.
We thank you for taking this journey with us – we couldn’t do what we do without your continued energy, passion and support.
In the spirit of looking ahead, we’d like to share with you some of the activities that we are planning for this fall:
Keep an eye out here, join our email list and don’t forget to subscribe to us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube for more updates as we draw closer to September.